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Achterhoekfotografie Doetinchem.

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Vis-à-Vis Communicatie & Fotografie Doetinchem neemt de bescherming van uw gegevens serieus en neemt passende maatregelen om misbruik, verlies, onbevoegde toegang, ongewenste openbaarmaking en ongeoorloofde wijziging tegen te gaan.


It looks like Valentine's Day for these storks!#ooievaarsnest #ooievaar #ooievaars...
It looks like Valentine's Day for these storks!
#ooievaarsnest #ooievaar #ooievaars...
Two stork nests on either side of the road. Lucky...
Two stork nests on either side of the road. Lucky...
I spent some hours at two stork nests. Patience is...
I spent some hours at two stork nests. Patience is...
Busy times along the IJssel River in Doesburg with wintering...
Busy times along the IJssel River in Doesburg with wintering...
Morning beauty in the forest with winter sun and sunbeams....
Morning beauty in the forest with winter sun and sunbeams....
A misty day in winter#landschap #landschaft #landscape #nature #holland #natuur...
A misty day in winter
#landschap #landschaft #landscape #nature #holland #natuur...
Young Scottish Highlander on a misty winter day. So cute!#ScottishHighlander...
Young Scottish Highlander on a misty winter day. So cute!
Fog and frost on the trees, a beautiful combination. A...
Fog and frost on the trees, a beautiful combination. A...
Frost on branches, still weather, and mist create a beautiful...
Frost on branches, still weather, and mist create a beautiful...
Icelandic horses on a snowy Posbank landscape. I suppose this...
Icelandic horses on a snowy Posbank landscape. I suppose this...
Winter's touch creates a nice contrast with vibrant red berries...
Winter's touch creates a nice contrast with vibrant red berries...
A pony and a rooster bask in the winter sun...
A pony and a rooster bask in the winter sun...
A buzzard watches from above on a short winterday#roofvogels...
A buzzard watches from above on a short winterday
A snowy landscape in autumn.#landschap #landschaft #landscape #nature #holland #natuur...
A snowy landscape in autumn.
#landschap #landschaft #landscape #nature #holland #natuur...
A beatiful animal!#wildlife #nature #wildlifephotography #naturephotography  #photography #lands....
A beatiful animal!
#wildlife #nature #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #photography
#landschap #landscape...
A foggy morning#landschap #landschaft #landscape #nature #holland #natuur #landscapephotography ....
A foggy morning
#landschap #landschaft #landscape #nature #holland #natuur #landscapephotography #natuurfotografie...
Safari in the Netherlands ...#wildlife #nature #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #birds #p....
Safari in the Netherlands ...
#wildlife #nature #wildlifephotography #naturephotography #birds #photography...
I cycled past recently and thought it was such a...
I cycled past recently and thought it was such a...
The spinning head mill in Laag-Keppel is originally a Frisian...
The spinning head mill in Laag-Keppel is originally a Frisian...
A foggy day has its charm.#posbank #holland #nature #ig...
A foggy day has its charm.
#posbank #holland #nature #ig...
It's also fun to go out in the woods with...
It's also fun to go out in the woods with...
What an impressive tail!#nature #amsterdamsewaterleidingduinen #naturephotography #awd #wildlife....
What an impressive tail!
#nature #amsterdamsewaterleidingduinen #naturephotography #awd #wildlife #netherlands...
Wildlife spotting in the Netherlands... the fallow deer show themselves...
Wildlife spotting in the Netherlands... the fallow deer show themselves...
This beautiful horse is looking at me curiously#landscapephotography #landscape...
This beautiful horse is looking at me curiously
#landscapephotography #landscape...
I've always found horses a bit scary, but I ended...
I've always found horses a bit scary, but I ended...
This boat looked so beautiful, the sun shone in exactly...
This boat looked so beautiful, the sun shone in exactly...
Reine is a cute fishing village in Norway's Lofoten Islands...
Reine is a cute fishing village in Norway's Lofoten Islands...
Lapland in Finland is incredibly beautiful. Forests, lakes, reindeer... as...
Lapland in Finland is incredibly beautiful. Forests, lakes, reindeer... as...
A beautiful sunset with rocks on the beach#landscapephotography #landscape...
A beautiful sunset with rocks on the beach
#landscapephotography #landscape...
Sometimes the light hits just right... and you're in the...
Sometimes the light hits just right... and you're in the...

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